Senin, 18 November 2013

Distribution Management part 2

Chapter 2.

2.1. The Notion of Distribution Channels
Ø  Organization Though The Channel defines the distribution channels as a line crossed by flows of goods from producers to intermediaries and finally to the wearer.
Ø  According to the American Marketing Association defines distribution channels as a structure that is the organization within the company and outside the company, consisting of agents, dealers, wholesalers and retailers, through which a commodity, the products or services marketed.
Ø  From the above definition of the second dapat disimpulkan that is an intermediary distribution channels to move products or services from producers to consumers.

2.1.1. A Variety of Distribution Channels according to (Swastha and Irawan, 1997, p. 295-297)
1.      Manufacturer – Consumer
This form of distribution channels is the most short and simple because without the use of intermediaries. Manufacturers can sell goods that it generates through the mail or directly go to home consumers (from House to house). Therefore this channel is called a direct distribution channel.
2.      Manufacturer – Retailer – Consumer
Manufacturers only serve a large number of sales to wholesalers only, not to sell to retailers. Purchases by retailers served by wholesalers, and purchases by consumers served retailers only.
3.      Manufacturer – Wholesalers – Retailer – Consumer
Distribution channels is widely used by manufacturers, and is named after the traditional distribution channels. Here, the manufacturer only serve a large number of sales to wholesalers only, not to sell to retailers. Purchases by retailers, wholesalers and catered for purchase by consumers served retailers only.
4.      Manufacturer – Retailer – Consumer – Agent
Here, the manufacturer selects agent as penyalurnya. He runs a large trade activities in the distribution channels. The sales target is mainly addressed to the major retailers.
5.      Manufacturer – Agent – Wholesalers – Retailer – Consumer
In the distribution channels, manufacturers often use agents as intermediaries to channel goods to wholesalers who then sell it to small shops. The agent is visible in the distribution channel is primarily sales agents. (Swastha and Irawan, 1997, p. 295-297)

2.1.2. Some alternative types of channels that can be used based on the type of product and market segments
1)      consumer goods distribution channels
Sales of consumer goods intended for the consumer market, where it is generally sold through intermediaries. This is intended to reduce the cost of achieving a broad market spread that cannot be achieved by one manufacturer. In supplying consumer goods there are five types of channels that can be used.
2)      industrial goods distribution channels
Due to the characteristics of the different industrial consumer goods, then the distribution channels, he also is somewhat different. Industrial goods distribution channels also have the possibility/equal opportunity for any manufacturer to use Office/branch sales.
3)      distribution channel services
The concept of distribution channels are also not limited to tangible goods distribution channels only. Manufacturer services also face a similar problem: how their results can be obtained up to the consumer.

2.1.3. The Notion of Distribution Management
Ø  Distribution management is developing a strategy that is aligned with the vision and mission of the company, based on the relevant decisions to move the goods physically or non physical in order to achieve the objectives of the company and are in certain environmental conditions (Walters, 1977).
Ø  Other notions about the distribution management is an approach that is oriented on the decision (decision oriented approach) which means that attention is directed to the development of effective policies ranging from planning, mengornagisasikan, operte and control.

Function of the distribution channels is activities conducted members of the distribution channel for transferring goods from producers to consumers on its implementation it may cause difference (gap) the flow of goods from the principal to the consumer.

2.2.1. A variety of differences in distribution channels
A.      Geographical gap
Is the difference in geographical distance caused by the difference in the production center
B.      Time gap
Is the distance of time differences caused by the gap that occurs between the time the production with consumption of products produced in a big way.
C.      a Quntity of gap
Due to the production is done in a large scale to obtain lower cost perunit whilst consumption occurs in smaller amounts.
D.     Variety of gap
Happens because most manufacturers produce variations of certain products which at that time was not the same as what is needed by the consumer.
Quantity gap and this gap raises a variety of form utility.
E.      Communication & information gap
Happen because consumers often don't know the sources of production of the product is needed while manufacturers don't know who potential consumers, where it is located.
2.2.2. A variety of Value To the product
1.      the Values to the form
The benefits created by the existence of changes in an attempt to fix an item.
2.      Value for time
It means the product is available at any time when needed.
3.      the value in order to place
Does that mean the product will have a higher value in different places.
4.      Value to property
Shows the activities that change the ownership of an item.